In the past couple of months, I have heard from two friends who've
been given the diagnosis of ‘terminal’. Their reactions were dramatically
different. One is in denial, refusing to talk about it, and is suffering through
rounds of chemo and all the side effects that ensue. The other responded with quite
a different attitude. He said “I have somewhere between a few minutes and forty
+ years to live”. He made me laugh even though he was still digesting the news.
Having studied the mind-body connection for many years now, I learn something new every day. The one thing I know for sure is that our
attitude about life, will ultimately dictate the ending to our story.
I can speak from experience because I lived a good portion
of my life in irrational fear. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was
hiding behind a myriad of masks. I wore different ones depending on what situation
I was in. I had a work mask, many different social masks, and I became so
comfortable wearing them, I began to believe my own false identity. If ‘they’
only knew what I was really thinking, they wouldn't like me. I could easily
morph into whatever you wanted me to be. I was lost in a sea of deception.
Now don’t get me wrong, fear can be your friend. It will
warn you against dangers, and can alert you when you know something in your body
doesn't feel right. Fear can become your ally. It is an emotion and one that
we all experience. It can jump start you to take action, or completely devour
your spirit until you find yourself in a fetal position in bed. It all depends
on your perception.
I had the privilege and honor to spend some time with a very
good friend of mine who knew she only had a few months left to live. Once she
moved past the fear of losing her life, she truly began to embrace everything,
even the pain. She told me that she had left all her emotional baggage at the carousel,
never to be claimed. That’s when I realized that life really is a precious
gift, and every day we should be grateful for the opportunity to begin anew. Why
was I spending so much time deceiving myself and other? I put all my masks in a
backpack and left them at the carousel as well. Living authentically was the
gift that she gave me. I am forever grateful, and dedicated a chapter to her in
“The Wellness Code”.
The reality is, we are all terminal. As soon as we are born,
we begin to die. Now I don’t say that to be morbid, but to jolt you into the
mindset that you never know when your last day on this planet will be.
We get so engrossed in our stories, be it our past, or our
future, that we never fully experience living right now. Give up the notion
that you can have a better past. It isn't going to happen, so why continue to
re-live it? Our future is shaped by our actions today, so it’s critically
important that we show up. There is finality to the word terminal, but we all have a finite amount of days. I thank my friends for reminding me of that.
Each of us will have an ending to this story that we call
life. The only person who ultimately gets to decide what that last chapter will
look like, is you. Here’s to happy
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